1 min read
Intriguing STEM: Forensic Science, Pop Culture, and culturally relevant lessons with Kelly Knight
Science is Cool Unplugged podcast July 10, 2024

Kelly Knight is an accomplished professor of Forensic Science and a member of the STEM Accelerator faculty at George Mason University. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in forensic DNA and chemistry and spearheaded the establishment of the university's first forensic DNA laboratory dedicated to teaching and research. Knight is deeply involved in mentoring STEM students and leading K-12 STEM outreach initiatives as part of her role as a STEM Accelerator. In 2014, she co-founded the Females of Color and those Underrepresented in STEM programs for middle and high school students.
After earning degrees in chemistry and forensic science, Prof. Knight gained nearly a decade of experience in forensic science laboratories before transitioning to higher education. She holds expertise in forensic serology and forensic DNA analysis, having served as an expert witness in multiple court trials.
Beyond her forensic casework background, Knight has extensive research experience, particularly in areas such as laser microdissection and low copy number (LCN) DNA methods. She remains actively engaged in the forensic science community through her involvement in professional organizations like the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, where she holds the distinction of Fellow. Additionally, Professor Knight is pursuing a doctorate in science education research to further her contributions to the field.