2 min read

PBS Documentary Producers: The Science of Storytelling

PBS Documentary Producers: The Science of Storytelling

Lessons and inspiration from Chrissy and Jay Kleburg on climate impact, wildlife, & conservation.

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Documentary producers and conservationists, Jay and Chrissy discuss their journey walking the Texas coastline, the challenges they faced, and the insights gained from their documentary 'Chasing the Tide.' They explore the importance of local ecosystems, wildlife conservation, and the educational impact of their work, highlighting the interconnectedness of environmental issues across the globe. The conversation also touches on the role of technology in wildlife discovery and the significance of high-quality educational resources for engaging students in nature. In this conversation, Jay Kleberg discusses the intersection of climate change, local news, and community action in Texas. He highlights the economic implications of environmental issues, the importance of local education in fostering awareness, and the need for storytelling to connect people with their environment. The conversation also touches on the value of oysters in ecosystems and the future projects aimed at exploring and protecting coastal areas.

About the learning resources:

To connect students to the coast, Chasing the Tide teamed up with Anne Marie Fayen, curriculum developer, and PBS LearningMedia to make short film clips and discussion guides aligned to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and Next Generation Science Standards in both English and Spanish. The learning resources are intended for classroom teachers, informal educators, parents, and learners in grades 3-8 who are looking for science-based learning materials. These resources are available at chasingthetideseries.com/learn and on PBS LearningMedia: 




About Chasing the Tide:

Conservationists Chrissy and Jay Kleberg hiked Texas’ 370 miles of barrier islands over 21 days in October 2023. They embarked on this journey to learn more about the rate of change occurring on the coast, hear from residents and experts about its rich diversity of wildlife, habitats, and history, and understand what the future holds. They captured the adventure on film and produced a six-part series for PBS called Chasing the Tide, which is currently on television stations across the nation and streaming. In addition to the series, they also published a natural history and adventure book that details the journey, production process, and beauty of the Texas Gulf Coast. As part of the project, Jay and Chrissy also teamed up with Anne Marie Fayen, curriculum developer, and PBS LearningMedia to provide short clips and discussion guides for grades 3-8.

The Chasing the Tide book: 




Chrissy is a former wildlife field biologist and amateur photographer. She has conducted avian research and reintroduction work with the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Florida, and the Peregrine Fund in Hawaii, Florida, New Mexico, and Texas. She is a co-producer and co-director of the documentary series Chasing the Tideairing across the nation on PBS stations and streaming.



Jay is the Executive Director of the Gulf of Mexico Trust and previously served as Associate Director of Texas Parks Wildlife Foundation. He co-produced the film Deep in the Heart: A Texas Wildlife Story and was Associate Producer of the documentary The River and the Wall. He is a co-producer and co-director of the documentary series Chasing the Tideairing across the nation on PBS stations and streaming.

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