ScIC Presents WHT-01-1

The Amoeba Sisters:

Lessons for the Classroom


Chat Transcript

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Sarina Peterson | Petunia

Petunia is the creator of the comics and GIFs.  She times the comics to Pinky's audio to create the videos. Petunia has no formal training in art, but she has practiced a lot. You can see the progression of her art on the milestone page. She (arguably) has a better sense of humor than her sister counterpart. 


Brianna Rapini | Pinky

Pinky writes the scripts, records her voice, and designs resources to complement the videos. She has a master's in biological sciences and a public high school science teaching background. Petunia would like to add that Pinky's fun facts are, in fact, frequently not fun.


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Get ready to take your biology class to the next level with the Amoeba Sisters and PocketLab Notebook! Goodbye to endless prep time and hello to exciting, personalized lessons!

The “Notebook + Amoeba Sisters Virtual Checks” subscription combines the Amoeba Sisters’ beloved videos with PocketLab’s interactive tools, creating a treasure trove of engaging content for your unique middle and high school classrooms.