From Bunsen Burners to Big Data: Transforming Chemistry with student lead data collection
- Simplify complex chemistry concepts through live data
- Reduce setup time and equipment needs
- Help students visualize and analyze results instantly
This free 1-hour webinar shows you how to make lab days smoother and more productive. See how one simple device can collect pH, conductivity, temperature, and more—all while keeping students engaged with their own data.

Modern Probeware
Easy to use multi-function sensors for the STEM classroom. Spend less class time prepping and more time teaching, learning, collecting, and applying.

Curriculum and Lab Support
The Notebook web app offers more than intuitive sensor data collection. Here you’ll find thousands of interactive, free and premium standards-aligned lessons, labs, and knowledge-checks created in partnership with popular curriculum and content creators teachers trust.
PocketLab aims to inspire, educate and reinvigorate educator’s love of teaching STEM through their Science is Cool (ScIC) community: FREE PD events, virtual field trips, engaging podcasts and more.
Webinar Agenda
⏰ Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM CT
4:00 - 4:05 | Welcome & Introductions
Host: Dave Bakker
Housekeeping and Announcements
What is PocketLab & Science is Cool
4:05 - 4:45 | Real-Time Data Collection in Chemistry
Presenter: Dr. Clifton Roozeboom
- Why real-time student collected data matters in science education
- How to enhance conceptual understanding
- Developing data literacy and analytical skills
- Transferring ownership of learning to the student
- Bridging the gap between theory and practice
- Intro to sensors for the classroom/lab
- Best practices for student led data collection
- What is PocketLab Odyssey & PocketLab Notebook
- Live lesson demos:
- Lesson 1: Ideal Gas Law (showing pressure & temperature data)
- Lesson 2: Taste Chemistry – Quantifying Sparkling Water (showing conductivity & pH data)
- Bonus lesson: Electrochemistry: Build a Metal Air Battery
4:45 - 5:00 | Q&A
5:00 | Closing & Reminders
Thank You! All attendees will receive a professional development certificate by email after the event concludes. The video recording will be edited and published on this webpage within a few days from recording.
Additional links:
- Learn more about PocketLab Odyssey- REQUEST A QUOTE
- Receive a free one hour virtual training session for you/your school ($200 value) if you place your order or request a quote by March 31st.
- Learn more about PocketLab Notebook and create your free account
- Browse our free lesson library
Access the lessons mentioned during the webinar:
Our PD Webinar Speaker
Dr. Clifton Roozeboom | PocketLab
Dr. Clifton Roozeboom is the CTO and Co-Founder of PocketLab. He received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. He has been the primary investigator on two National Science Foundation SBIR projects and two Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences SBIR projects. Dr. Roozeboom is a lecturer in the Stanford University mechanical engineering department. His Ph.D. research was on wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring applications, for which he earned grants and fellowships from Sandia National Labs, Hewlett-Packard Labs, the National Science Foundation, and the Chevron Corporation.