ScIC Presents WHT-01-1

Teach Science Your Way with 




Chat Transcript

Presented by


Robby Douthitt | Director of Education

Robert Douthitt is the Director of Education and a Product Manager at PocketLab. He taught secondary math and science in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois for six years. He received a Master’s degree in Education Leadership and Policy from Marquette University and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, also from Marquette University. During Robert’s work in education, he served as a high school science department chair and a district lead in professional development for other science teachers.


Teresa Rockwood | Science Curriculum Specialist

Teresa Rockwood is the Science Curriculum Specialist at Kendall Hunt. She spent 12 years teaching secondary sciences and 9 years as a district science specialist in 3 counties across Florida. She received her Master’s degree in Education Leadership from NOVA Southeast Florida University and a Bachelors in Professional Geology from Stephen F. Austin in Nacogdoches Texas. Over the years, Teresa has served on State Department of Education committees including science instructional delivery strategies, three-dimensional learning/ authentic task assessments, and cognitive expectations of all students.

Links & Resources

Learn more about OpenSciEd in PocketLab Notebook

Access preview units of OpenSciEd in the Notebook Lesson Library

Learn more about the Kendall Hunt OpenSciEd Program features that include digital content in Notebook, print and material kits.