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Hank Green SciShow, Complexly, Crash Course & More

Hank Green, go-to internet science guy, and teachers' best friend, is an acclaimed #1 New York Times Best-Selling author, educator, and internet entrepreneur, renowned for his dynamic contributions to science education and science communication through his artfully produced digital media. Hank has hosted, performed in, and produced literally thousands of videos and podcasts across the internet that teachers use every day in the classroom to engage and inspire their students.

Hank is the co-founder, with his brother John, of the educational media company Complexly which produces the popular YouTube channels "SciShow," and "CrashCourse," and nearly a dozen other educational YouTube channels. He has helped revolutionize educational content delivery, engaging millions of students worldwide with his charismatic and accessible approach to complex subjects. His work extends beyond Complexly to the pioneering VidCon conference,, DFTBA, and the philanthropic Project for Awesome. Hank's dedication to fostering a love of learning and curiosity exemplifies the transformative power of digital education through produced media, making him a beloved figure among teachers and learners alike.

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