
Xochitl Garcia

Science-based TableTop Games


Please excuse the intermittent quality of this replay. Our presenters are hand-picked for their expertise and passion for championing educators. We hope you enjoy the wealth of information and insights offered by each of them.

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This session aired at ScIC6 Science is Cool Virtual Unconference on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

Let's talk table-top games! Xochitl talks about some cool science-themed board games and the ways you can use board games to promote critical thinking (and design thinking) in the classroom.



Xochitl Garcia  K-12 Program Manager | Science Friday

Xochitl Garcia is the K-12 education program manager at Science Friday, where she focuses on supporting the inspiring efforts of educators (of all types) to engage students in science, engineering, math, and the arts. After graduating from Occidental College and working with high school students in Los Angeles, Xochitl moved to New York. She taught middle and high school science in the Bronx for over seven years. She can often be seen making a mess trying out new experiments and activities, developing teacher trainings/programs, and planning ways to connect Science Friday media to classrooms.

Notes and Resources:

National Institute for Play

Science Friday's Best Science Board Games

Food Chain Checkers


Genius Games

Elements Jigsaw Puzzle

Killer Snails

Online Periodic Table


ScIC6 Unconference Video Library


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