This session aired at ScIC8 Science is Cool Virtual Unconference on Friday, February 25.
Panelists will discuss the critical STEM resources, programs and funding that must be put in place before the 2022/23 school year to ensure Georgia students are prepared for the STEM careers of the 21st century.
Leigh McCook Interim Executive Director of the Institute of People and Technology | Georgia Tech
Richard Faucett Teacher | Thomas County Central High School
This is Richard's 15th year as a high school science teacher. He has taught Earth Systems and AP Environmental Science for the duration of my career. He earned his Environmental Geoscience degree from Valdosta State University and spent two years in private environmental work before entering education.
Jordan Rose Executive Co-Director & Co-Founder | Science ATL
Jordan Rose is a creative, lifelong learner with a passion for promoting science literacy and building community partnerships. As co-founder and co-director of Atlanta Science Festival, Rose is helping to bring together schools, universities, companies, and museums to celebrate Atlanta’s STEAM ecosystem and highlight opportunities for the public to learn and love science. Previously, Rose has led science education initiatives via the Georgia BioEd Institute and the Emory College Center for Science Education, supporting K-12 teachers and students and facilitating university-community partnerships. Rose has a B.S. in neuroscience and a Master’s in Public Health from Emory University. He serves on the boards of Georgia Tech’s GIFT program, the Georgia BioEd Institute, and the Technology Association of Georgia Education Collaborative.
Patti Lawrimore Teacher | Riverwood International Charter School
Patti has been teaching high school science in Georgia for 27 years. She is a Certified Georgia Master Naturalist and beginner Bee Keeper.
Janetta Greenwood K-12 Academic Science Coordinator | Clayton County Public Schools
Janetta Greenwood is the K-12 Science Coordinator for Clayton County Public Schools and the President of the Georgia Science Supervisors Association. Her core mission is to ensure that all students have access to authentic science learning experiences that fosters a healthy curiosity about the world. She is a firm believer that all students can do science and works to ensure that all students have the opportunity to engage in real world experiences to see science applied to life. With a mission to increase minority representation in science and STEM, she has designed unique summer opportunities through the lens of SummerT.I.M.E. (Thrive, Inspire, Motivate, Engage) STEM Camps and Advanced Learning for All to replace the traditional remediation summer school model to improve students' overall academic performance through experiential learning.
She is a graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana where she obtained both her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and her Masters of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She also holds a Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from the University of West Georgia. She has over 20 years of experience in Science Education and really loves increasing scientific literacy throughout local communities. Science is in everything we do and is a constant reality in our daily lives therefore it is our responsibility as educators and community leaders to ensure that we prepare children to be stewards of their community and work towards viable opportunities for environmental sustainability and societal advancements.
Notes and Resources:
STEM Camps Highlight Video 2021
Be Inspired with Beasley Podcast Vaccine Initiative and Summer Learning
Clayton Calling the Shots Vaccine Initiative (STEM in Action)
Resources for BVI, DHH, ADA, ASD, JEDI, Disability Inclusion
Global Organization
iNaturalist and kids version SEEK
Pollinator Count -