The era of design for design's sake is over and students know it. They want to solve multiple problems at once and the best way to do that is by looking to how nature does everything humans want to do. Beth Rattner joins us to share about The Biomimicry Institute's Youth Design Challenge, a free program open to all middle and high school students who want to learn and practice this new way of inventing.
Beth Rattner Executive Director | Biomimicry Institute
Beth Rattner has been working in sustainability since 2000 and has been the executive director of the Biomimicry Institute since 2013. The Institute brings the practice of bioinspired design to hundreds of thousands of people a year through its education and entrepreneurship programs and also works on industry-transformation projects, such as bringing appropriate levels decomposition back to the fashion sector. Prior to this position, Beth worked with William McDonough and Michael Braungart on The Upcycle, the sequel to Cradle to Cradle, before she helped co-found the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute and became its first executive director.
Notes and Resources:
Register as a YDC coach to get access to the curriculum
ScIC Resources from Biomimicry
Find out how to get started with the Youth Design Challenge
Resources for multiple grade levels from